Ruth - Part One

As I studied the book of Ruth this morning during my coffee time with God, I saw what I thought to be a number of comparisons between the life of Ruth and where The Church is right now.

This is what I learned from my study this morning:

There was a wealthy and influential man named Boaz who owned a huge field. He hired harvesters to tend to his field.

Ruth was a widowed woman who wanted to provide for her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth went to Boaz's field and after asking permission, began picking up what the harvesters left behind.

After a while, Boaz told Ruth to begin working beside his harvesters to gather as much grain as she could. He also told his workers to intentionally drop some heads of barley for Ruth to collect.

When Ruth took the basket of grain and barley to Naomi, Naomi told Ruth that Boaz was one of their closest relatives, one of their "Family Redeemers".

Our church has recently begun to set out to reach a harvest... a harvest of souls. (sounds so churchy doesn't it?!)

As we take the steps to do our part to help our Mother (aka The Church), our Family Redeemer (aka Christ) commands the dropping of a little barley here and a little wheat there until the field is harvested.

In chapter 3 verse 15 of Ruth - The Bible says that Boaz added SIX SCOOPS of barkey into Ruth's cloak to take back to Naomi. He didn't want her going back to her mother-in-law empty handed.

I believe that if we really want to receive the harvest - and we do our part to work in the fields, we will be able to bring a harvest with us. I don't want to go to church empty-handed anymore.

I feel like there is more to share about the "Family Redeemer", but I need to do a little more studying on that topic...


It's been a while since I have written. Life has been busy. Life is always busy it seems.

The topic of my blog today is "Openness".

Over the past several months I have tried to understand my feelings of being desperate for transparency.

You know that vulnerable feeling you get when you allow yourself to become completely open with others - leaving nothing behind the dark curtain of your soul? It's an awkward feeling. It's uncomfortable. It's scary, and yet, I LONG for it. I feel drawn toward it. Sounds a little strange.

Then I begin to ask myself, when others see who I really am will their perception of me change? Will I lose the respect of those closest to me? Will I be talked about as lacking spiritually in some way? These questions flood my mind as I press on toward becoming what God wants me to be... OPEN. TRANSPARENT.

It is NOT the opinion of people that should drive this decision for me, this I know.

Galatians 1:10 says, "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

The word, "pleased" in this text is described as: "accommodating one's self to the opinions desires and interests of others".

I was reminded yesterday at church that God really wants us to STOP WORRYING about what others think of us - it's not about the opinions of others, it's about God's opinion of us. At the end of the day, that's all that really matters.