Hey guys,

Sorry it has been a week since I have posted - if you need your Christie fix - you can go to - Dan and I blog there daily.

All the best,


Doors were closing in several areas of her life and important, life-changing decisions loomed overhead.

She and I had spoken recently of the imminent changes with which she would be faced. With two days to give her "Final Answer" - she hoped she made the right choice.

Have you ever been there?

I have.

The "odd sense of direction" comes into play when I feel like I am to be somewhere - or to be doing something very specific, and I am not there nor am I doing what I feel I should be doing. (I am speaking of my long-term God-given goal.)

I guess I forget that sometimes there are steps I must take in order to get to my final destination. (or to arrive at my "place of calling" - whether "place" references actual location, or specific ministry, depends on where you are right now, I suppose.)

I think of Abraham in Genesis 12. I reference this chapter regularly.

God told Abraham to "Get up and get out of your house so that you can go to the place that I will show you!"

Abraham didn't really know where he was going, at least I don't think that he knew where he was going - (he was trusting God for direction with every step along the way) - I think he knew that change was imminent even if all the details hadn't quite fallen into place as he may have liked or expected.

What did Abraham do? He built altars. He remembered who was leading him.

This blog should serve as a reminder that if you are not where you hoped to be - there's still hope... we are on a journey - keeeeeeeeeeep walking! (one of our favorite lines from An American Tale)

I feel confident that the end is greater than the beginning. You WILL arrive!

There are steps that we must take that will get us to the place that our heart longs for - that God-given goal will be accomplished... keep walking. Keep building altars.

tuesday, october 9

have you ever felt like this?

like you are going in circles, or spinning your tires?

i absolutely loathe that feeling! i MUST feel productive!

even if you feel like you are not accomplishing as much as you would like to accomplish in a day, as long as you are trying, that's what counts.

a word of encouragement - the race is not to the swift but to the one that endures to the end - hang in there, and watch your wilderness become your land of promise.

friday, october 5

today is my friend, mike's, birthday! happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to m-i-i-ke happy birthday to you!

so, yeah, i have not written in what feels like forever.

to give you an update on my neighbor, she was discharged the day i went to see her in the hospital. God had other plans for her and i am thankful for that.

as i was falling asleep last night i was singing of how much i love God - He truly inspires me each day - inspiration, if i remember correctly, means breathed - "God-breathed" - He has breathed into me the breath of life, His Words are as meat to my bones - (maybe i am reading too much lately =) ha! ha!) (that's another story for another time, or maybe not, now that i think about it! =)

i am thankful for true friends, a loving family, and my readers who click on my ads =) because that makes me a little extra cash...

speaking of which, did you hear about the pirate ship's treasure that was found recently?!?!

i would have loved to have found THAT treasure. (it is over three hundred years old!)

dan and i were talking about that this morning as we were having breakfast - that, my friend, would be a goldmine - i always say land mine instead of goldmine, dan always corrects me. =)

not sure if you are reading our ninetyandnine blog or not, but i recently decided to clean out our home office, and man, were there some pretty strong feelings surrounding that idea... check out our blog on for more details.

have a wonderful weekend!


tuesday, october 2 - BONUS BLOG

what?!?! i know!

i REALLY AM blogging twice in one day...

i am eating my lunch from cat's cafe - their famous chili is my favorite, even though it is making me cry, it is so hot!

i am enjoying my full-time job today.

i am going to visit my neighbor in the hospital after work.

i better get back to work now - just thought i would pop on for a minute.

hope you're having a great one!


wow! this year is really flying by!

well, i started my new job yesterday - i mean, i went full-time yesterday - it was a really good day.

dan and i have determined that we will wake up at 6:30 each morning (m-f). we will have breakfast together, read the Bible together and take some time to catch up on our blogs as well.

yesterday morning i did all of the above AND was able to do a load of laundry. yipes! it's pretty scary to see how productive a person can be during the early hours of the day.

my dad really set me on this mission - he said that he used to feel like he was wasting his day, and asked God to help him wake up earlier... i guess you could say that I am proving God - two days in a row, isn't bad =) (God is coming through for us!)

dan and i are blogging each day for - go see for yourselves, we have some really cool news to announce on the 13th of this month.

dan is blogging today for that site, we are taking turns.

i guess i better begin getting ready for work, i need to leave by 8.

here's to another great day (cheers!)

a scripture/song that comes to mind - "they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall rise up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait."