genesis 3:8 says, "and they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden."
how many times have you heard that adam walked with God in the cool of the day?
i have heard this on many occasions...
for a little debate, the Bible says, that adam and eve heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day. did they really walk with him and talk with him or did they hear his voice as they were walking together?
i will write more on this later, but just thought i could wet your taste buds for a nice little thought provoking time in the Word.
thursday, june 21
I wish I could forget
wow! we have been non-stop lately!
as i have already noted, i have been reading a book by t. f. tenney, called "some things i wish i could forget".
i was thinking this morning when i woke up about writing my own thoughts on this subject.
i wish i could forget about all the times i have failed God. oh wait! isn't that what baptism is all about? and faith? knowing that we have been covered by the blood of Jesus and His forgiveness is ours each day?
i wish i could forget about all the things i have to get done long enough to sit and truly be refreshed in the presence of God. wait a minute! isn't that why i am here? to experience life more abundantly walking in God's steps and waiting on Him for the answers to the questions i have in my life?
i wish i could forget sleepless nights. what ever happened to me believing that God is not a God of fear, but of love, of peace and of a sound mind?
i wish i could forget the harsh words i have spoken in my neglect to care for the feelings of the one to whom i am speaking. the scripture comes to mind, a soft answer turns away wrath, and the verse that says if i say i love God and do not show love to my brothers and sisters in Christ, i really cannot love God.
i wish i would not feel kicked in the butt so often in my walk with God. i must be really trying to reach a goal of pleasing God, or i guess i wouldn't feel anything when i mess up.
thanks God for your forgiveness and for your mercy that is brand new each day.
the prodigal
last night brian careccia spoke about the prodigal son. i have learned quite a bit from his teaching on this subject.
brian mentioned in last night's message that the robe, found in luke 15:22 is a re-covering of God's righteousness - it covers our sins. the ring is for showing the world that we are heirs of God or children of the King and the father gave to the son upon his return to the palace, finally, a pair of shoes for his feet.
the shoes, brian said, were to heal the son from the hurts that he had experienced, the scrapes and bruises on his feet from the long journey back to his father.
how neat to hear the word of God in terms that we can understand and apply to our lives.
i am so thankful for the robe of righteousness, the ring and the shoes that only my father can give me. He is truly a very present help in the time of trouble.
thanks God, that even when i have walked away from you, you have sought me out and called me back to your kingdom, with compassion and forgiveness.
gone fishin'
i've been saved to sacrifice
that's what he said
you are not to be lazy, or be misled
just keep on fishing!
these words still ring true
if you're not fishing for others, you are looking at you
Lord let me fish with all the strength that you give
and Lord always show me the way i should live
thanks for your word, it is truly a light
and each day i read it, it helps me to fight
fight for my freedom, my freedom from sin
that you gave me years ago, now i know, i win
my heart gets a bubble bath
this year is flying by!!!
i cannot believe it is already JUNE! it's kind of scary actually, when i look at this year and see what we have accomplished and think of all we could have accomplished, i feel a little kicked in the butt.
i will just have to do more for the rest of the year to make up for some of the things i wish i would have done earlier on. isn't it so cool to think of how life is with God? every day is a new day, old things are passed away and all things are become new, with each new morning.
i thank God that every morning when i wake up, i know that i have a fresh new start - regardless of what happened yesterday, if i have failed God in some way, and asked for forgiveness, i know he has forgiven me.... having faith is the coolest gift ever! i really believe that God gives my heart a huge bubble bath every single day. (that's putting it in kindergarten terms, i know... but the visual i get, is well, i guess like when i was a child - which God asks us to become when it comes to our faith in him) okay... moving right along...
i read last night, before falling asleep, 2 timothy 1 - i was really impressed by all that helped the apostle paul out on his journey - taking him in, seeking him out when he was in town to bless him in some way...
i would like to be like those wonderful saints of the most high... i want to be a blessing to others each day.
i am running late for work, so i better be going, but i wanted to encourage you today, to encourage others, seek them out and bless them by your words, your deeds, whatever, just do it in the name of the Lord. =)