I recently became a volunteer who oversees a mentoring program through the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce called Senior Academy. Click here to get involved!
Already, I see a difference in the lives of the students. Their desire to graduate has increased substantially.
Showing love never looked so good. =) Community leaders taking time to make a difference in the lives of ONE STUDENT, for ONE SCHOOL YEAR, by giving ONE HOUR a week - will be the difference between a student graduating or failing their Senior year.
I am so thankful to play a role in this life-changing effort.
On Saturday, June 13th, I will celebrate GRADUATION coupled with a BRIGHT NEW FUTURE with the students and the mentors who have taken time to dream of a better life.
The Importance of Mentoring
Old News
I Kings 18:26 (NLT) says, "So they prepared one of the bulls and placed it on the altar. Then they called on the name of Baal from morning until noontime, shouting, "Oh Baal, answer us!" But there was no reply of any kind. Then they danced, hobbling around the altar they had made."
Hobbling is such a funny word to me... when I think of the prophets of Baal "hobbling" I think of old cranky self-called Christians. (just being honest) How pitiful!
Verse 30 speaks volumes to me - when it says that Elijah first "repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down" (he repaired in preparation for an unprecedented move of God)
When you become old and cranky in Christ, it's time to:
#1 - Rebuild the altar (others may have had an adverse affect on your altar, but it's time to rebuild)(verse 30)
#2 - Do what God tells you to do - no matter what others think (verse 36)
#3 - Have faith (verse 41) (Elijah heard an abundance of rain, before the rain came)
The result? God will give you "special strength". (verse 46 NLT)
How many times have we heard the stories of those who walked with God, then decided to go another route on their own? That's OLD NEWS!
Let's begin our week thinking about those who have remained strong in Christ - and make sure that YOU can be among those you reflect upon.
Rebuild your altar, do what God tells you to do, have faith and special strength to endure until the end is yours.
Bob Timberlake's Gallery

God has been so good to me. In this New Year, I want to share God's goodness with others.
I love the life God has given me. Each morning I thank Him for all the friends I have encountered and the loving family that will ALWAYS BE THERE for me when I need them.
Forever Young
While visiting my grandmother recently, I feel like God reminded me that He wants us to be "forever young" in Him.
Let me explain: Ephesians 5:27 (NLT) - He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.
My grandmother has Alzheimer's. While I sat with her a few weeks ago, she was rubbing my hand and trying to gently push down the wrinkles I have on my knuckles.
While she did this I noticed her age spots. She is absolutely beautiful. I began thinking of spots and wrinkles and Ephesians 5:27 came to mind.
Even though this is not theologically correct (this is NOT what the scripture is actually saying), it drove a point home to me.
Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. When I think of spots or wrinkles I think of the aging process.
I want to be young in Christ - forever young. I want to have the faith of a child, no matter how old I get. I want my relationship with Christ to be exciting and fresh, not boring and stale.
Fall in love with Christ again today - and be FOREVER YOUNG.