Always Working On Something...

It seems I am always working on something. I suppose I am a bit too driven at times... I have only recently began to wonder if it is possible for an individual to be TOO DRIVEN.

Here is a quick bio for you:

I am driven to be the best.

I was taught the importance of setting and accomplishing goals at a very young age.

As a result of seeking accomplishment over the years, I now must DAILY seek BALANCE.

For me, truer words were never spoken, "There are not enough hours in a day".

When one carries a longing for accomplishment on the path we call life, the road, at times, becomes overwhelming and full of loneliness. Our commitment to work is far greater than our commitment to family. We struggle with balance. We all do. It's no big secret. We cannot do EVERYTHING. Let's confess. We are not perfect, no matter how bad we want to be.

I will not lie. I want and need to accomplish in my day to day - it gives me a sense of acceptance. I accept myself when I am accomplishing something.

So, let's see what I am up to today... I'm always working on something!