I John 5:21 - "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take away from God's place in your hearts."
Do I daily recognize God's place in my heart?
Do I seek to protect that place for God only?
We have a Realtor coming to our home today - and as I was reading this morning I thought about having guests in my home. (and everything being in its right place)
Could you imagine how you would feel if someone came to your home, took over your bedroom, your bathroom, your closet area, everything that you were so used to having for yourself - (without you being aware of it).
You walk in, ready to climb in bed and notice that someone else is laying comfortably in your place... how uncool would that be? It would actually be VERY UPSETTING to me.
What if God would feel the same way?
We talk to Him daily and reassure that He has a place in our hearts, then one day, we miss our time with Him, and something takes His place.
This verse stood out to me today. Maybe it will help you too.
I never want anything to take God's place in my heart.
God's place
Rich much?
In my study this morning I came across this scripture, it is very inspiring to me.
"Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; and you are Christ's and Christ is God's."
I am feeling rich today.
I Corinthians 3:21-23
Leaving the PAST BEHIND
It was said of the "man who dwelled among the tombs" that he was always, night and day in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones.
When Jesus appeared the man came running to Him and he began to worship Him.
Mark 5:15 (NIV) - When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.
"Our BELIEFS influence our ATTITUDES which in turn influence our BEHAVIORS."
This man who made his home among the tombs, BELIEVED that Jesus Christ WAS THE ANSWER to his problems. His ATTITUDE then became one filled with worship. He began to BEHAVE differently after spending time in the presence of an Almighty God.
It is important that we realize that what we believe is the foundation for everything else in our lives. It will determine where we spend eternity. It will determine what we do with our time each day as we wait for Christ's return.
Let's not dwell in past hurts. It is time for us to stop living in self-pity.
See that Jesus is with you right now - it's time for us to let Him handle our problems.
If we believe that He WAS and IS and IS TO COME - it will make all the difference in our day to day faith journey with Christ.
Shut the horn up!

Proverbs 3:2 NLT says - If you do this, you will live many years and your life will be satisfying.
This was my iGoogle verse of the day yesterday.
I kept wondering what "this" is ("If you do THIS" you will live many years...), so this morning, I wanted to do a little research and share it with you.
Proverbs 3:1 NLT says - My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart,
Proverbs 3:3 NIV says - Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck,write them on the tablet of your heart.
What are the commands of God?
I started at Genesis and looked through over 100 verses to give you these little nuggets... based on a study of the word "command".
Deuteronomy 15:11 NIV - There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.
Deuteronomy 19:9 NKJV - and if you keep all these commandments and do them, which I command you today, to love the LORD your God and to walk always in His ways, then you shall add three more cities for yourself besides these three,
Deuteronomy 30:16 NLT - I have commanded you today to love the Lord your God and to keep his commands, laws, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and become a great nation, and the Lord your God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.
John 15:17 - These things I command you, that ye love one another.
I will study the word, "commandment" in the future and share my findings with you. For now, we have a few very specific commands from Christ that we can begin working on in our personal lives.
Good Eye
Matthew 6:22 - NKJV - "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.
In baseball, (according to wiki) a hitter who has excellent awareness of the strike zone, and is able to lay off pitches that are barely out of the strike zone, is said to have a "good eye."
The American Standard Version of the Bible puts it this way, "The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Single here refers to being simple or simplified, more focused, perhaps on one purpose, blocking out anything that could become a distraction.
When we are focused on putting God first in our lives, which by the way, is our single most important purpose as a Christ follower, we find that we have a good eye. We become more aware of the adversary's striking zone and we are able to "lay off" (or quench/put out) the fiery darts that are pitched our way. (Ephesians 6:16)
The second piece to this thought was that our perception really does matter.
I want to see situations and individuals through God's eyes. I want to reflect God's awesomeness at all times.
"Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure eye lets sunshine into your soul." - Matthew 6:22 (NLT)
Rev. 3:8
"I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can shut. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me. (NLT)
I was awakened by this scripture this morning.
I recently resigned from my job. My last day was almost one week ago. I have been diligently looking for another job - I need to work full time until January, at which time I may go back to school.
As you can imagine, I have quite a bit on my mind. I really feel like I did the right thing - I needed to move on. I, now, am left however, with worries of our current financial situation.
Dan begins a new job on October 6th.
Like all tests God brings our way - I know He will provide the answers.
I am really trying to show great faith. The above scripture brought amazing strength to me on this rainy morning as I pulled myself from the bed to continue my job search.
Thanks God, for inspiring me - You know all things.
A note between friends
From me :
Is it FRIDAY YET?!?!?!? How are you doing today? I thought of you last night.
My friend:
I KNOW!! I’m sooo ready for this weekend. Thank you – it’s been almost 10 years but I’ll never stop missing him – he really was such an amazing man, father and friend and it is so devastating that he’s not here – I need him during the hard times and miss him during the happy times.
It just doesn’t seem right when people like that are taken from us – I know I should look at it from the “everything happens for a reason” perspective, but that seems naïve to me most days. So I just keep living a life that I think would make him smile, carry his lessons and try to be as good of a person as he was.
From me:
My grandfather passed away over 20 years ago, and it has only recently become easier for me to talk about it. I did not talk to anyone about what happened to him or how it affected me deep inside until I met Dan – I could not even utter the words for over 10 years after it happened.
I did not trust anyone – I would not let anyone get too close to me – I always had my guard up, because I was afraid that if I got too close to someone they would be taken away from me. I did not want to endure the pain of that happening again.
He wasn’t my father, so I am not trying to compare my situation with yours.
I really feel for you. If I can ever listen, be a shoulder for you to cry on or a strength to you – I’m here.
It is also hard for me to think of things happening for a reason, sometimes I feel like we are all checker pieces, on a grand checker board, that God just moves as he pleases – which can be very frustrating.
I try to remember that God is sovereign and merciful – He loves us so much and keeps our tears in a bottle (that’s what the Bible says). I know He cares for us – I think He knows everything from the beginning to the end, so trusting Him (though it is so very difficult at times) is what I try to do to get through each day.
From my friend:
I’ve never heard of God keeping our tears in a bottle, but the concept really comforts me – it makes them not seem so wasteful – that they are precious, which they are.
From me:
Psalm 56:8 - You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
It is comforting, isn’t it.
Getting plugged in - a system that I want to explore given the opportunity...
Three is the New Two
The most valuable relationships are not made of two people, they're made of three. A third person will always stabilize and grow the relationship between the other two. It's called a triad, and the more you create, the stronger your network. So next time you go to Starbucks, take two professional contacts and introduce them (or deepen their relationship with each other), on the basis of what motivates them, a mutual interest, or a shared project.
Listen for the values underneath it all when your companions speak. Discover mutuality. Then say what connects the two people at a deep level. You will instantly create a triad - the building block of a Stage Four culture and the basis of great Tribes.
Needle Moving Challenge:
To see a quantum leap in your relationships, set up three triads this week (even if only by email). You will quickly see a shift in your network or your office.
Send us a paragraph on how it went and we'll send a free copy of the book and our new DVD to the person who writes the best story (or we'll send one anonymously to the recipient of your choice).
The Tribal Tip is for leaders using principles from Tribal Leadership (HarperCollins, 2008 by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright). Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Send any input, or your own Tribal Tip to Dave Logan (logan@culturesync.net).
Want a friend to get the Tribal Tip of the Week? Send them to: http://www.triballeadership.net/ "Figure out a subtle way to share the book with your Type A's and prima donnas..." -- Inc. magazine
Organized Chaos
The overman...Who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative. Aware of life's terrors, he affirms life without resentment.
- Friedrich Nietzsche -
Among the earliest appearances in English is Earl Rivers' translation of a saying of Socrates (Dictes and Sayenges of the Philosophirs, 1477): "Do to other as thou wouldst they should do to thee, and do to none other but as thou wouldst be done to." It is so well known that it is often shortened. (taken from answers.com)
Dan and I had a few freshly cut strawberries smothered in whipped cream beside a piece of chocolate chess pie from Fancy Pastry after a long relaxing Sunday afternoon nap.
This evening, we were free. What a nice change.
I noshed, while staring through our kitchen window, then began to think of my neighbor, Mrs. Anthony who was more than likely enjoying the same view as me.
I walked outside to sit on the stairs in front of our home looking forward to enjoying the warmth of the sun as it set. A few ants walked by, and a baby jumping spider. I enjoy nature but have not been known to connect well with insects.
This prompted me to get up and walk back inside.
I looked through my book drawer and found a silly little book from which I have gained encouragement in the past. The book is called, The Dot.
I took a few pieces of pie and The Dot to Mrs. Anthony and talked to her for over an hour.
When I arrived, I noticed she had not yet eaten dinner - so I called Dan.
He came over to bring her some of the leftovers from last evening's meal. I made Ginger Glazed Tilapia with roasted red potatoes and lightly steamed broccoli with garlic. It was delicious!
All I'm saying is... take what you have and share it with someone who doesn't have- what I experienced tonight was GOLDEN.
Monday, February 11
At Subway, while talking on the phone, I snickered to myself.
As guests entered the sub, and now pizza shop, I realized that more often than not the customers walked to the door to give it their best push, to find that it could only be opened by "pulling" it.
While I laughed at their expression, a rather serious thought came to mind.
The door did not say, "push" or "pull" - it is left up to the guest to determine how the door can be opened.
When we do not receive direction, we can kind of screw things up sometimes. If you are anything like me, you understand exactly what I am saying.
I sit, eating my personal pan pizza and chocolate chip cookie feeling thankful that God doesn't leave a lot of guess work for us.
He says, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling".
We should have a healthy respect for the One who breathed life into existence. That's pretty good to know, right?
...and by the way, I don't think Jared could have lost ANY weight eating like I did today.
Subway=Healthy, what a joke!