do nt forget the small things

i took time to write two different posts on friday, but both got deleted... so i am attempting to make up for those in this morning's post.

as i began studying the bible this morning, ii timothy stood out to me - there is so much in the first four chapters to digest, needless to say, i have alot on my mind at the moment.

if i must choose one topic, (and i must for the sake of time) i will go with ii timothy 4:5 - "but watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."

the nlt(new living translation) says it this way, "but you should keep a clear mind in every situation. do not be afraid of suffering for the Lord. work at bringing others to Christ. complete the ministry God has given you."

the translation of the word work is business, employment, that which any one is occupied, that which one undertakes to do, enterprise, undertaking any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind.

evangelist is translated as a bringer of good tidings, the name given to the NT heralds of salvation through Christ who are not apostles.

make full proof is translated as: to cause a thing to be shown to the full, to be persuaded, fully convinced or assured, to fill one with any thought, conviction, or inclination, to carry through to the end, accomplish.

ministry is translated as of those who by the command of God proclaim and promote religion among men, those who help meet need by either collecting or distributing of charities, the service of those who prepare and present food, of the office of prophets, evangelists, elders, etc.

i feel myself getting into the habit of leaving my blogs open-ended - i think i do this so that you can come to your own conclusions based on what i have found in my studies.


i pray that you feel instructed today, by the scriptures and encouraged to find something that you can do for God realizing that no matter how great or small, it is a ministry. (if it is done unto the Lord)

i recently gave to a girl, that i have begun mentoring, a pack of cards. she is unable to work, she cannot go to school and she cannot drive, but she can write. =) she may not be the best at it, but she can do it.

i gave to her addresses, stamps, envelopes and cards. i expressed to her that writing a note of encouragement, alone, is such a great ministry to those who need a boost in their daily walk. i know this sounds small to some, but to this girl, who is trapped at home all day, because of a physical handicap, this is going to become one of her ministries.

next on our list is volunteering at the local children's hospital. we have our first meeting this thursday. we are so excited about working together, ministering together, telling others about Jesus Christ, the hope of life and the reason for living.